
School Introduction

School Introduction

   The School of Information Science and Engineering was founded in June 2000 when Shandong University merged with Shandong Medical University and Shandong University of Technology, resulting in the emergence of a new, large scale Shandong University with enhanced strength and expanded academic disciplines. The school is the largest in the information area in Shandong Province with more than 150 academic staff members and its achievements are at the highest level in Shandong Province and comparable to excellent schools all over China.  
   We now have 41 full professors, 58 associate professors and 20 senior engineers, including a strong balance of eminent professors and ambitious young staff. Most of them hold Ph.D. degree and have abroad experiences as visiting professors. Most are qualified to supervise master students and 16 of them are qualified to supervise Ph.D. candidates. The school consists of three academic departments and offers four Ph.D. programs, seven master programs and five undergraduate programs in Electronic and Communication Engineering, Information Engineering and Optical Engineering. The programs undergo continuing improvement to make sure to meet the highest requirements. Excellence and innovation in teaching, researching and developing are highly encouraged. We have the great honor that Nobel Laureate in Physics, Professor Samuel C.C. Ting visited the school in March 2004 and discussed with us on the cooperation on AMS project.

   We have made rapid development in scientific research since the mergence of three universities in 2000. Every year more than 60 projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation, the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, the Ministry of Education and so on are carried on and over 200 papers are published in various important journals and conferences. Moreover, We have published more than 20 books and held 15 national patents.

   As one of the most important schools with an enrollment of over 2000 undergraduates and more than 400 graduate students pursuing Master and Ph.D. degrees, our mission is threefold:
1.To carry out both theoretical and experimental research and disseminate the results in the form of publications, patents and transfer the technology to industry.
2.To educate our students and graduate students with effort and to supply society with highest quality graduates.
3.To serve the society, especially Shandong Province through research, education and other activities.

   In view of the rapid development of the electronics, optoelectronics and communication industry, the school has also initialized cooperative education and research programs with several national big-name companies as Hisense and Langchao. Advanced training opens up vast employment opportunities for graduates in industries, business and financial institutions, government service, and universities nationwide.

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