
about the Institute

There is eighteen academic staff in the Institute of Signal Processing and Computer Vision, including 7 professors and 9 associate professors. The institute has 2 Ph.D. supervisor, 10 master supervisor and 11 of them have Ph.D degree. Its main research areas involves digital signal processing, digital image processing, computer vision, biometric identification, biological medical image processing, speech signal processing, multi-media technology, laser TV, DSPs design and development, security technique in network, video coding, surveillance system and so on. These researches belong to the key subject of ShandongProvince “Signal and Information Processing”. The projects which are taken on include National Natural Science Foundation of China, Young Scientists Scientific Research Encouragement Foundation of Shandong Province, Science Foundation of Shandong Province and other projects from enterprises and so on. All the people who are interested in our work are warmly welcome to the cooperation.

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