
Lectures delivered by Prof. Gang Ding Peng from the University of NSW

Prof. Gangding Pengfrom the School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications at the University of NSW , gave an academic report named “Fiber Optic Seismic Sensing System” in late afternoon on Jan.14. Prof. Xingyu Zhang had hosted the report, and some of the teachers and students attended the presentation.

The presentation began with a brief introduction of the research activities, including special silica fibres, polymer fibres, fibre devices and sensors, in Photonics and Optical Communications Group in the University of New South   Wales . After that, professor Peng mainly introduced the recent work on Fiber Optic Seismic Sensing Systems.

Seismic monitoring is an emerging application with the potential and capability to significantly increase the amount of hydrocarbons ultimately recovered from an oil or gas reservoir. Fiber-optic vibration sensors are extremely attractive in this field because they can offer important advantages such as a small size, their lightweight, EMI immunity, electrically passive operation, and multiplexing capabilities. In the lecture, professor Peng thoroughly illustrated the information about Fiber Optic Seismic Sensing Systems, including the mining of unconventional oil and gas, working principle of the seismic monitoring system and field testing of fiber optic seismic sensing system, etc.

At the end of the report, Prof. Gangding Peng patiently responded to questions raised by teachers and students. Tthe whole academic report was full of harmonious atmosphere. The audience rewarded Prof. Peng’s wonderful speech with long and warm applause. This report was very meaningful to students’ future study and research.

Dr Gang Ding Peng is a professor in the School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications at the University of NSW . His research interests include optical fiber and waveguide devices, polymer optical fibers, optical fibre sensing, and nonlinear optics. He received the B.Sc degree in physics from Fudan University , China , in 1982, and received the M.Sc. degree in applied physics and the Ph.D degree in electronic engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Shanghai , China , in 1984 and 1987, respectively. In 1987-88 he was on the faculty of the Jiao Tong University . He was postdoctoral research fellow in the optical sciences centre of the Australian National University , Canberra , from 1988 to 1991. He was a Queen Elizabeth II Fellow from 1992 to 1996.

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