
Academic reports delivered by Wenjun Zeng from the University of Missouri

Jul. 22, morning (the meeting room at the first floor, School of Information Science and Engineering) – A research discussion between Professor Wenjun Zeng from the Computer Science Department of University of Missouri and masters and doctors students from the School of Information Science and Engineering is performed. Prof. Zeng listened to Xie Jiangchuan’s report on “keyframe extraction research of 2D-3D video transform”, Xiaocui Liu’s report on “visual attention based video hash algorithm”, Chuan Ge’s on “The depth coding rate allocation of 3D video”, Wenbo Wan’s on “Logarithmic transformation based digital image watermarking”, and Xiaohui Yang’s on “3D video frame rate update research”, Wenbo Wan and Chuan Ge’s on “The depth coding rate allocation of 3D video”. Prof. Zeng gave comments on each one’s research and future directions. Meanwhile, Prof. Zeng also proposed his suggestions on how to compose a more valuable research papers according to research results.

Later, at afternoon, two topics respectively named “Social multimedia signals processing” and “Trend aware proactive caching of online video” were given by Prof. Zeng, presided by the deputy dean of ISE, Prof. Ju Liu. Groups of teachers and students were present, as well.

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