
Professor Qun Zhang visited the School of Information Science and Engineering

Professor Qun Zhan, which was from Minnesota State University, visited the School of Information and Engineering between Aug.8 to Aug.12 . He gave a lecture named ” Modeling and Design of High Bit Rate Optical Fiber Communication Systems” to the students and teachers of ISE. The report is chaired by professor Lian Jie who is the chairman of Optical Engineering Department.
Professor Qun Zhang received his M.S. degree in Solid State Physics under direction of Professor Dong Xu in the Institute of Crystal Materials, Shandong University in 1996. After a one year stay as a Ph.D. student with the Department of Physics at the University of Virginia (Uva), Professor Qun Zhang started the Ph.D. thesis research in system aspects of fiber optic communications under direction of Professor Maite Brandt-Pearce in the ECE Department of the UVa in 1997. Since August 2000, Professor Qun Zhang worked as optical engineer, senior engineer, and consulting engineer in fiber optic communications systems vendors such as PhotonEx, Corvis, and Tyco Telecommunications, mainly on modeling (including experimental validation), simulation and design of 10-40 Gb/s ultra-long-haul DWDM subsystems and systems which forms the backbone of today's global communication network. In 2012 he continued to work as a consulting engineer for the Technology Office of Oclaro.
The contents of this lecture included waveform level modeling and simulation of 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s systems involving transceivers with both intensity modulation-direct detection (IM-DD) and phase modulation-incoherent and coherent detection and system design principles and tradeoffs.
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