
Prof. Zhigang Pan visited the School of Information Science and Engineering

Prof. Zhigang Pan has visited the school of information science and engineering , Shandong University from July 18, 2011 to July 23, 2011.

David Zhigang Pan received his PhD in computer science (with honor) in 2000 from University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA). His research is mainly focused on VLSI design/technology co-optimization for manufacturing/reliability, interactions of physical and system-level co-design, and CAD for emerging technologies. He holds 8 U.S. patents and has published over 140 technical papers in premier journals and international conferences.

He was a Research Staff Member at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center from 2000 to 2003. He is currently an Associate Professor (with tenure) and Director of the UT Design Automation (UTDA) Lab at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin. He has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on CAD, IEEE Transactions on VLSI, IEEE Transactions on CAS-I, IEEE Transactions on CAS-II, IEEE CAS Society Newsletter, and Journal of Computer Science and Technology. He has served as the IEEE CANDE Committee Chair, ACM/SIGDA Physical Design Technical Committee Chair, program committee member of major VLSI/CAD conferences, including DAC (Track Chair), ICCAD (Track Chair), DATE, ASPDAC (Track Chair), ISPD (Program/General Chair), ISCAS (CAD Chair), VLSI-DAT (EDA Chair), ISQED (Track Chair), ACISC (Program/General Chair), GLSVLSI (Publicity Chair), ISLPED (Exhibits Chair), SLIP (Publication Chair), and so on. He is a member of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor (ITRS).

Prof. Pan is a Senior Member of IEEE and Life Member of ACM. He has received a number of awards for his research contributions and professional services, including ACM/SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award, NSF CAREER Award, UCLA Engineering Distinguished Young Alumnus Award, IBM Faculty Award four times, SRC Inventor Recognition Award three times, Best Paper Award at ISPD 2011, Best Paper Award at ASPDAC 2010, Best IP Award at DATE 2010, ACM Recognition of Service Award twice, Best Student Paper Award at ICICDT 2009, Best Paper In Session Award at SRC Techcon (1998 and 2007), ISPD 2007 Global Routing Contest Awards, eASIC Placement Contest Grand Prize (2009), and a number of Best Paper Award Nominations at premier conferences such as ASPDAC, DAC, ICCAD, and ISPD. He is an IEEE CAS Society Distinguished Lecturer for 2008–2009.

During his visiting, Prof. Zhigang Pan made a wonderful report, as follows:

Prof. Zhigang Pan visited the Electronic Design Automation(EDA) Institude, Photonics Research Institute and Optical Information Institute and had a in-depth discussion of professional courses and experimental settings with the relevant teachers and students of IC design in the morning. He made a report titled "More Moore" and "More than Moore" in Nanometer CMOS and 3D-IC” in the afternoon on July 19th. The semiconductor industry is truly amazing to keep up with the Moore’s Law for more than 45 years through new process and design technologies. In this talk, key challenges and opportunities of "More Moore" such as using computational/next-generation lithography for nano-patterning beyond 22nm and "More than Moore" such as using 3-dimensional (3D) through-silicon vias for heterogeneous 3D-IC integration will be discussed. Some recent results will be presented along with future research challenges and directions, e.g., on double patterning lithography layout decomposition and physical design, e-beam lithography throughput optimization, and 3D-IC TSV thermal-mechanical stress, electro-migration and reliability issues.

Prof. Zhigang Pan visited the school of information science and engineering and the state key laboratory, Shandong University on July 20th.Zhang Xing-Yu, vice president, met Prof. David Pan and discussed the cooperation, and had a discussion of science research with teachers.

Prof. Zhigang Pan continued to give lectures from 9:00 to 11:30 and from 3:00 to 5:00 on July 21th.

Prof. Zhigang Pan and some teachers, doctoral students, graduate and undergraduate students participated in the seminar on July 22th.

Prof. Zhigang Pan answered the question raised by teachers and students and had a in-depth discussion on July 23th.He made a lot of good suggestions for the professional courses and laboratory settings of IC design expertise, and provided a good opportunity of building advanced IC design, research and teaching platform and enhancing the level of integrated circuit design.

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