Recently, Prof. Luis Casta?er and Carmen Nino Perote visited School of Information Science and Engineering (ISE), Shandong University. He is the member of Spanish Royal Academy, professor of the Universidad Politécnica de Catalu?a. During the academic visit, Prof. Luis Casta?er has given the reports named “Wind sensor chip for the surface of Mars” and “Dynamic model for electrowetting and contactless electrowetting”.
The dean of ISE, Prof. Yuan Dongfeng presided at the report conference. Prof. Yuan Dongfeng welcomed Prof. Luis Casta?er visiting ISE, and gave the brief introduction about Prof. Luis Casta?er, his research areas and research results. Prof. Liu Ju, young teachers and graduate students of ISE attended the report conference.
In the reports, Prof. Luis Casta?er presented the results of the collaborative project with NASA——Wind sensor chip for the surface of Mars and Dynamic model for electrowetting and contactless electrowetting. The sensor is based in hot film anemometry working at constant temperature difference (CDTA) and works in the low pressure and low temperatures of Mars surface. His research results will be included in MSL by NASA and launched in November 2011, and will play an important role in the activities of Mars Exploration.
During the report, Prof. Luis Casta?er did face-to-face interaction with the teachers and students of ISE, and answered the question patiently. After the report, Prof. Luis Casta?er visited the Communication and Multimedia Information Processing Lab.
Prof. Luis Casta?er has great interests in Qilu culture, such as the Confucianism. He congratulated Shandong University on the 110 anniversary.
Luis M. Casta?er (SM’92) is a Professor with the Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación at the Universidad Politécnica de Catalu?a. He has contributed to semiconductor device research, covering solar cells in various aspects: technology of CIS, space degradation of Silicon and GaAs devices, and has contributed to the theory and technology of advanced bipolar transistors with polysilicon emitters and its application to high efficiency silicon solar cells, in particular, to the emitter resistance of these devices. He has also contributed to the design, simulation and monitoring of photovoltaic power plants and systems. More recently he is active in microsystems technology, working on flow sensors, power devices for MEMS, and new drives for electrostatic actuators.