
Julian Cheng visited School of Information Science and Engineering

From June 12 to 15, 2001, Dr. Julian Cheng, from University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus, visited School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University. During his staying in our school, Dr. Cheng presented two reports. One was the Asymptotic Error Rates of Multi-Branch Diversity Combining over Generalized Correlated Fading Channels”. The other was So, you are interested in graduate study in Canada?.

Report Asymptotic Error Rates of Multi-Branch Diversity Combining over Generalized Correlated Fading Channels introduced the newest research results of Dr.Cheng. This research, to some extend, solved the theory of performance analysis about diversity receiver. Report So, you are interested in graduate study in Canada? was aimed to give undergraduate students an overview on how to peruse advanced degree in Canada. Both reports were wonderful and welcomed by the students.

On June 15, Dr. Cheng had a discussion with teachers from Institute of Modern Communication and Engineering. Dean Professor Dongfeng Yuan hosted the discussion. He first introduced current situation of the schools teaching and research. Then, Professor Yuan and Dr. Cheng discussed how to make further collaboration in the future. At last, Dr. Cheng visited the Wideband Wireless Communication Lab, where he showed high interesting in the MIMO testing platform.

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